If you knew what I really believe about faith… Would you still worship with me?
If you knew how I voted in the last election… Would you still respect me?
If you knew what’s happening in my home right now… Would you still confide in me?
If you knew what’s happened in my past… Would you still value me?
If you knew the number on my scale… Would you still have grace for me?
If you knew my opinions about the issues facing our world… Would you still like me?
If you knew how I spent my money… Would you still be my friend?
If you knew what goes on in my mind… Would you still trust me?
I hide. I keep secrets. I stay in my cage. I show you a false version of me. I protect my self at all costs.
belong to you. be accepted by you. be LOVED by you.
God tenderly brings me out of hiding.
I have no secrets with Him.
He sets me free. He allows the truest version of me. He protects my REAL self at all costs.
belong to Him am accepted by Him am LOVED by Him
I want to be God with skin on FOR you. I want the same FROM you.
Together, maybe we can show this beautiful God to everyone else.
That might just change everything.